Weight Loss Herbs That Work Safely


herb basketTwo out of every three Americans are overweight, and every year more than half of the American population resolves to lose weight. One popular tool that has been used by many is weight loss herbs; these are natural remedies that usually claim to work by suppressing the appetite.

Keep in mind that herbal supplements don’t provide permanent weight loss solutions unless lifestyle changes such as improved diet and an exercise program are also made and maintained. Some herbs and some over the counter appetite suppressants can contain potentially dangerous interactions with other medicines and existing conditions.  It’s never a good idea to start any type of weight loss regimen using herbs without first talking to a doctor about its safety and effectiveness.

Herbs and supplements come with a lot of mixed reviews.  Go to the webmd website for more information on weight loss herbs.

Which weight loss herbs should I use?

There are a number of weight loss herbs that make the claim to assist with weight loss. One such herb is Gymnema. This herb is known as a fat blocker and sugar blocker. It claims to reduce sugar cravings as well as promote healthy blood sugar levels.

Green tea can help burn extra fat and calories, and it has many other positive health benefits.

Garcina cambogia is another herb that promotes weight loss because of a compound within it called hydroxycitrate. This ingredient assists in the treatment of obesity. Some doctors will point out that thus far studies have failed to show conclusively that this herb is effective.

This is just some of the possible weight loss herbs that can be taken. There are many others that make claims of suppressing appetite, curbing cravings, and contributing to overall health and wellbeing.

The advantage of these weight loss herbs is that they can be purchased over the counter and taken according to the discretion of the person using them.  Usually, taking herbal supplements in moderation won’t hurt you.

The disadvantage is that they are not monitored or regulated by any federal agency, and there are risks with taking these herbs just as there are with any medication.

How do I use Weight Loss Herbs Safely?

There are some simple guidelines that you can follow in order to help to ensure the safety of a person who is taking weight loss herbs. Check out this information from the Cleveland Clinic and keep in mind that herbal supplements are not regulated by the FDA.  You should do your own research and consult with a medical professional to get good advice before you take any supplements.

First, if any supplement makes you ill, seek a doctor’s care right away. Do not take any herbs if you are pregnant or nursing, and never give them to a baby.

Take weight loss herb supplements in moderation; don’t take daily or extremely high doses.

If you are currently taking any medication for a chronic illness, check with your doctor before trying any weight loss supplement.

In fact, it is always a good idea to check with your doctor before starting any medication, whether prescription, over the counter or herbal.

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